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Home » Mesmerizing Architectural Building with Surrounding

Mesmerizing Architectural Building with Surrounding

Mesmerizing Architectural Building with Surrounding

Out of the ordinary is my first impression when looking at the architectural building in Miranda do Corvo in Portugal. Located in the urban area, this striking red building is standing in the front of the Lousa Mountains. Built by Future Architecture Thinking or FAT, the stunning building is design to completed the artistically need of the people.

It is obvious that the architectural building design is very different from the surrounding since this is will be the city landmark and the center of art. Although at a glimpse you think this bright artistic building is very different from the surrounding but actually the building is design carefully to adapt with the surrounding.

It can be seen from the various slanted roof that built the building. The slanted roof, rather than flat roof is trying to adapting with the slanted of the mountain and also with the traditional roof that the people surrounding is used.

The building is surrounding with neat garden and planted with trees that predicted in years to come will grow beautifully and create lush atmosphere. Long garden pathway is leading the guest from the outside to entering this building.

The lower side of the building some is covered with glass windows and glass door. This is to showing the openness and also promoting the exhibition inside.

When entering the building you will be welcome by the black accent wall with the writing Casa Das Artes in red.

White walls in the exhibition area make great impression and surely make spacious impression. The simple hanging lamps bring elegant inside.

Different atmosphere will be seen in the way to reach the theater. Black room decor bring elegant and mysterious atmosphere. You can see the strip lights along the hall light up the room beautifully.

The architectural building design ideas to make cultural meeting point will be very attractive and lure people to come and socializing.

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